
Apartment 2317

An Atmospheric Horror Game, set in the deteriorating apartment of the protagonist.

Apartment 2317 was created as a part of the Inaugural Indie-Cade Greenlight Jam. The Jam lasted five weeks and was split up between 4 sprints: Pre-Production, Prototype, Production (2 Weeks), and Polish/Release.

I served as the lead programmer, a lead designer, and Scrum Master of our three person team.

Apartment 2317 was ranked 2nd out of the 42 entries submitted to the 2022 Indie-Cade Greenlight Jam.

Gameplay is mostly focused on exploration and environmental storytelling.

Apartment 2317 utilizes a Custom Event System that allows for fast iteration and alot of flexibility for the development team

Environment is highly interactable, with most objects being examinable.

Progression is mostly puzzle based, with multiple puzzle systems being implemented.


A turn based tactics style strategy game, set in a Victorian society overrun by Bandits, Werewolves, Vampires, and a recent influx of various Eldritch monstrosities. The player controls a party of hunters who have come to cleanse the city of Harpaesis of those who wish to bring it rot.

Harpaesis was our Capstone project that spanned two semesters of development time. We had a 5 person team and utilized the Scrum development method.

I served as the lead programmer, a designer, and acted as the product owner for the project.

The grid is node-based and utilizes the A* algorithm for pathfinding

Harpaesis features a custom dialogue system that allows the design team to create cutscenes with various camera angles

Abilities are completely modular with 26 different skill effects and a custom skill editor to allow for fast iteration

Multiple Hazard effects were created that dynamically update and affect the battlefield.


An endless twin stick shooter set in a cyberpunk inspired city. Defeating an enemy gives the player the weapon that enemy was holding, and refills their adrenaline meter.

Created over a week as a part of the 2022 Juice Jam. The theme of the jam was "Don't Stop."

I served as the Lead Programmer as well as a product owner for this project.

The adrenaline system forces players to play aggressively and keep moving forward.

Many weapons were implemented for Gutterpunk. These include a Melee Punch, Pistol, Shotgun, and special timed weapons such as the Minigun, Laser Gun, and Automatic Rocket Launcher.

The game is endlessly generated as the player moves along.

Night of the Mannequin

A stealth action game set in a mall after hours. You control a sentient Mannequin whose goal is to sneak around and take out the night guards.

This was a final solo project I worked on for my AI in Games course to showcase my implementation of a Finite State Machine.

AI freely wanders the mall and investigates the player when they see them posed.

AI responds to and will investigate noises in the environment.

Upon spotting the player un-posed, the AI shoots projectiles at the player.

Sneaking up behind a guard prompts the player to take them out.

Tubular Typing

A typing game themed after 80's and 90's skateboarding culture.

This was a solo project and my final submission for my Serious Games Design course. The goal of the project was to create a game to help people improve their typing skills gradually with all kinds of stat tracking to help show progress to the player.

Players can choose between five different playable characters.

Words are fed to the player at key points to be spelt. Spelling a word correctly has their character successfully completing a trick.

A harder level was also created and included in this vertical slice.

Diehard Doughnut

A 2.5D Run-and-Gun Action-Platformer set on the Airship of the evil Commander Churro.

Created for "Mini Jam 56: Sky" over 72 hours in the summer of 2020. The game had to incorporate "War Zone" and "Doughnuts."

I worked as a part of a two man team as the lead programmer and had a heavy hand in design as well.

We created several original enemies and variants of those enemies with different rules to help test and challenge the player in different ways.

We developed multiple power-ups that empower the player's shots: the Choco-Shot and the Triple Raspberry-Burst.

We implemented a boss fight at the end against Commander Churro with multiple attack patterns.